Senin, 04 Agustus 2014

protein is the best protein sources with the highest quality

This article contains all you need to know about whey protein and whey protein bagaimena choose is right for you. At the end of the article you will find selling food for body building  a list of whey protein that we sell or can select from the category of protein ingredients.

What is a whey protein and from where?

Whey protein is the best protein sources with the highest quality, whey protein is rich in BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids) and contains a lot of natural food sources.

Whey protein is among about two types of protein that comes from milk (casein protein other). Whey protein is formed during the processing of milk into cheese. When the milk into cheese, whey protein is the separation of the process.

What other foods containing whey protein?

No other foods that contain whey protein. However, many other foods that contain protein sources eminence. Here are some foods that contain high protein:

Lean meat (20% protein)
Chicken (20% protein)
Fish (20% protein)
Eggs (6-8% protein)
Cheese (10-30% protein, but high in fat)
How many types of whey protein?

Broadly speaking there are two types of whey protein: Whey protein Concentrates and Whey protein isolate. Whey protein concentrate is quite low fat, and have a protein content of 75% of the total weight. Whey protein isolate is a more perfect form again. Whey Isolate is processed further to reduce the levels of fat and carbohydrate. Generally, whey protein isolate has 85% + pure protein by weight of the total. Even with further development now has hydrolyzed isolate where better absorption rate of whey isolate.

Supplementation of whey protein are generally divided into several categories. Whey protein isolate, whey protein concentrate blends dam. Whey protein concentrate is the cheapest and had higher levels of fat and lactose that is higher. Whey protein isolate emiliki higher protein content and generally have high levels of fat, carbohydrate and lactose are almost 0 or even 0 price is more expensive than concentrate course. And lastly, whey protein blend. This is currently the most widely used. As the name implies these products combine whey protein concentrate, isolate, and other proteins. Are generally rich in amino and adequate price for the customer.

How whey protein function?

Whey protein is much better than other sources of protein which contained amino therein in an amount sufficient for the formation of muscle, strength and recovery. The bodybuilding athletes and the sport will know the true importance of whey protein supplement for muscle growth, power and speed up their recovery.

Whey is also easy absorption, where it fills in which the body requires, Whey protein plays an important role in nutrition after exercise where the body is in a catabolic state and need a quick source of protein.

Besides being very useful in the formation of muscle and recovery, whey protein also functions as an anti-oxidant to meningatkan immune system. As per research conducted by supplementation with whey protein coupled boost the body's immune system strong.

The effects of whey protein:

Increasing muscle mass low-fat
Accelerate muscle recovery process
Improve muscle recovery process better
Increase metabolism
Biological Value of Whey vs. other protein sources

Biological value, or BV, is a measure of the efficiency of protein and absorption capacity for muscle growth needs. The higher, the higher the efficiency. This is a fairly common term in bodybuilding and whey proteins are used to classify. Here are some sources of protein illustration with BVnya. Egg protein has a standard range of 75 100 Beef For whey protein, BV can reach 170.

Whey protein isolate has a higher BV, generally about 30-60% higher than the concentrate.

Anyone who can feel the benefits of whey protein supplementation?

Whey protein is commonly used by bodybuilders and other athletes because of its ability to recovery and growth. But as the development of the invention, the whey can also be used for other things. Some of them are: weight loss, cancer treatment, child health, wound healing and also for elderly people. Practically everyone can benefit from whey protein supplementation.

People who can immediately feel the benefits of whey protein:

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