Senin, 04 Agustus 2014

Whey Protein - General questions

Can combine whey protein with other supplements?
Sure can. Whey protein supplements so it can be combined with others such as BCAA, creatine, etc.
How much protein should I consume?
How much protein is consumed depends on body weight, exercise and your goals. No two people are the same. Bodybuilders typically consume 1-2 grams per pound of body weight per day.
When is the best time to consume whey protein?
The best time is in the morning and after exercise. Whey can also be combined with casein protein and drink between meals as a meal replacement.
Will whey protein help you lose weight?
By adding whey protein to your diet program very helpful. Because whey protein contains very good to help pennurunan weight whey isolates mainly because the content carb and low fat. The study says that people who menkombinasikan high leucine diet with foods such as whey protein and a good exercise to get low fat muscle which will help burn fat. With peningkatin muscle fibers and fat loss will increase the body's metabolic rate and body will burn fat by itself. In addition, whey protein makes us feel fuller so that no excessive snacking.
Which is better. Whey protein or casein?
Whey protein has the highest BV rate and a high content of BCAA as well. Therefore Whey protein is certainly better than any other protein. However Casein has its own role dikarenkan slower absorption properties. So good to use before bed. Even many bodybuilders who use casein to improve the repair and growth of muscles more leverage.
Is whey protein for vegetarians allowed?
Sure. Whey protein is ideal for vegetarians
Is easy to digest whey?
Whey protein is easily soluble and easy to digest. Whey protein will quickly will provide the essential amino acids for the body needs to nourish muscles and other body parts. This is one factor why whey protein is also present in the protein content of milk for medical and child.
Can whey protein interfere with the kidneys?
Bodybuilder regularly consume 500g of protein per day for months or even years. There is no clinical trial evidence that states the consumption of high protein will cause kidney disorders. In other studies, animals were consuming a high protein for more than half his life not experiencing kidney problems. High protein consumption only may be problematic if a person has a kidney disorder or kidney disease. For normal people, the most serious condition most only dehydration because protein metabolism requires more water. This can be avoided by consuming at least 8 glasses of water per day.

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