Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

Batik of central java Indonesia

Batik solo

You know about the solo?? Batik of central java Indonesia one of which is in Solo, Solo is a nice little town and had a friendly society, when you think about solo your mind will usually beli jam tangan murah keren lead to a batik, Solo also known as Surakarta, geometric patterns are characteristic of batik solo than the size of small motif commonly called truntum.
This is story about batik Solo, in ancient times there was a queen who greave bacause unnoticed by the king,  the queen was sad then make batik stars with small size, the king was made batik likes the queen and finally returned her attention on to the queen, the king was then noticed  the queen every makes motif and then develop it,Till now the batik solo famous with motif and traditional patterns it both cap batik and wrote batik, materials used for staining still using Indonesia original materials such as soga java that have been know since ancient.

Batik of central java Indonesia at solo mostly in production in laweyan, and the area became a solo batik icon because of course alot of history left in this village, many laweyan people are working make batik, since the 19th century this village was known as the village of batik, you can read too about 

kalimantan batik producing captivating thankyou for read this article, may be useful for you

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